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Govt should be clearer on reopening of schools

This week, government announced plans for those students in sub-candidate classes to resume school soon. However, the announcement received mixed reactions because it did not offer sufficient clarity on the many questions surrounding reopening of schools.

It is nearly a year since schools were closed last March in a bid to prevent the spread of Covid-19. While parents, schools and some students are anxious for information on the reopening, this should not be cause for the issuance of rushed announcements that will raise more questions than answers.

For the parents and their children who will be making preparations to return to school, issuance of a detailed plan by the President as he addresses the nation on the subject tonight, will be useful. Do the reporting students move ahead to the next class or do they go back to last year’s class? What happens to students who were unable to afford or access online studies? How will they catch up?

As the ministries of Health and Education sit to chart a way forward, the discussion should bring on board key stakeholders such as school administrators, parents and community leaders in order to shape solutions that work for all.

Also, given the disparity in access to teaching materials, classroom space and socio-economic conditions of the society from one area to another, we may need a differentiated plan to enable the smooth reopening of schools.

The Ministry of Education should roll out with the full picture of  reopening, how risks of Covid-19 will be mitigated, the arrangement of the school terms and when students can expect to sit examinations

In many reports last year, teachers were reported to have shifted to other lines of work in order to stay afloat. As the authorities inspect schools for compliance to Covid-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs), perhaps an audit should be done to ascertain how many teachers are available and ready to return to service, especially in private schools, which have not received bailout or support from the government during this time of closure.

Care should be taken to ensure that as pronouncements are made in regard to reopening of schools, the various actors are actually ready and will be able to sustain learners in school in safe condition.

The institutions, schools and parents must have a clear roadmap on what happens next. If the plan is to be phased reopening of schools, then information on each phase should be released in advance so that uncertainty and confusion do not arise to mar the much awaited resumption of studies.

Source:Daily Monitor

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